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If you would like to be a Guest Post Contributor for The Chunky Knot, Here is what you will get.

This is what you will get when you become a post contributor For The Chunky Knot:
Besides having your Guest Post promoted across my social media channels and shared in my Email subscriptions, you wil get the folloing
  • Free Advertising Space: A 25 x 25  button ad will be placed on the sidebar of this site for 30 days 
  • Free Social Media Promotion: one promotion on each of Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Google+  for one of your posts/sales/shop listings per week for 1 month
  • Free Email Subscription link Ad: A text ad in my Email Subscriptions for 4 editions
Why I am  offering this opportunity to you: 
  • I want to give new and old businesses the opportunity to get their business out there and seen.
  • I would like to  provide new and unique content for my Readers and Social Media Followers
  • And it would be an awesome opportunity for you and me.
The Chunky Knot is currently looking for:
- monthly posts 1 post per month
- bi-monthly posts 2 per month
- occasional posts just 1

Rule Post Guidelines:
Businesses and posts must be crochet related and offer unique and  original crochet designs,tutorials,knitting designs by you that are not published anywhere else online. You can also submit ideas for other guest posts you want me to consider.
Please include one or two clear, quality pictures. 
I reserve the right to  format the pictures to fit this blog.

Rule Bio Guidelines:
Please include the following with your post:
- a short author bio and a picture of yourself or your logo.
- your relevant links: your blog, business and online shop
- your social media links so we can follow you.

Please use the form below to submit your  inquiry to become a Guest Post Contributor.

Thank you! I look forward to working with you at The Chunky Knot!

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