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Friday 15 April 2016

What do I do when my yarn had knots in it.

Occasionally, a ball or skein of Red Heart yarn has a knot in it. One or two knots in a ball or skein is normal, and you can follow the steps below. For larger amounts of knots or other issues with our yarn, please follow the instructions in What do I do if my yarn has a problem? Why are there knots? These knots come from the manufacturing process, when the yarn cone that the individual skeins are made from comes to an end and another cone must be joined. Can I ignore the knot? The knots from the manufacturing process are not permanent and must be removed. If you leave the knot in, the project may come apart at that point during laundering or use, leaving a hole that is very difficult to repair. How do I remove a knot? To remove a knot, stop using the yarn at least 3-4″ from the knot. Cut the yarn on both sides of the knot, so the knot section is off by itself. You can cut quite close to the knot. Start the yarn again, just as if you had started a new ball or skein of yarn, and weave in the tails later. What do I do after removing the knot? When you’ve removed the knot, please contact our Consumer Services department by filling out this form or by calling 877-787-7087. Please save the knot and the label from the ball or skein that the knot came from. What happens after I contact Consumer Services? Consumer Services usually responds to yarn issues by sending you a stamped envelope via the US Postal Service. Into the envelope you can put the label(s) and the damaged section(s) of yarn that you saved. Sending these samples back will not cost you any money. When we receive the damaged section of yarn and the label Consumer Services can follow up on quality control questions and help get you replacement yarn. The yarn section shows what the problem is and the label gives information on when and where the yarn was manufactured. 0000